Thursday, May 21, 2009

check out my adventuring blog

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Faltown: Woah.

The kids at home never fail to disappoint: they're always that fresh breath of air. It's strange how something like a small high-school will bring together the most random people and glue them together good and tight.

I love being home.

It's always nice having the familiar voice on the end of the line, in the back seat, on the way over.

Reunioned with the good crowd: Kerri, Johnny, Evan, Bridget, Dan and the way you can joke so easy and never have to put on any airs put a smile on my face again. There is something so refreshing about being here; I wish I could put my finger on it. Maybe it's as simple as shared history. Maybe it's something more.

Been pulling out all the stops the last few days. Last night Ben A came over (for the first time in a long time) and gave me crap for breaking the bracelet he bought me sophmore year. Have to say I did pretty well not losing it. Got some new string to rethread it on. Cai came over and helped me clean my room. Adoptive little sisters rock and it's been crazy watching her grow up.

Then found the digits I lost and called Ben P and it was good to have a quick chat to catch up. I'm excited to see him again and can't wait to fill him in on all the ups and downs and ins and outs of this city life gone wrong experiment of mine. I'm a country girl at heart.

Random happy thought of the day may have been calling my bank in Haines and having Marsha know exactly who I was. Small towns rule. I miss the 907.

Tomorrow playing basketball at 7 (lord help me).
Anyways time to read.

Looking back this should have been posted in DSAF but I'm too lazy to fix that right now.

[ problem fixed ]

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

House of Cards

The rain falls and everything remains unclean. Sometimes wash, rinse, repeat just doesn't do the trick. I'm learning so much but most of what I'm learning isn't stuff that makes your soul soar. Sometimes you don't have grand realizations, just small things that just chip away at some bigger picture.

I need to get out.

People reveal themselves in the strangest ways. True colors often surprise you and leave you speechless. Sometimes for better, sometimes for worse.

Honor. Glory. Pride.

Bastardized concepts in our ipod era of go! go! go!

I think there is a reason I love dogs so much.

Friday, May 08, 2009

April came and went the way it always does. Some good times, some sunshine, a little sparkle, a little sun...

These past couple of days have had me wishing so many different things.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The zone

Lately I've been feeling like the rest of my life is so far away. That who I am and what I'm doing are really disconnected.

Regrets? maybe.
Future: uncertain.

The magic 8 ball always falls on "try again later."

I've met some good folk.
I've done some cool stuff.
I'd like to think I'm happy too.

But I'm always facing the wrong way. Looking at the future through the past. Wondering why this. why here. why now.

The options are limitless. [chaos]

Wednesday, March 25, 2009



I just need to learn
not to let
the oxygen
get in the way
of all this living.

Some friend.

Monday, March 23, 2009


This weekend saw caffeine passing itself off as blood as I darted from place to place. But holy hell was it worth it. Who would have thought that a small college in Maine could host one of the sickest shows I've been to in awhile? Sure, it helped that a whole crew of us from Boston drove up...but man.

Barefoot truth.
Pete Francis.

Three and a half hours of music with no intermission, no set change, no nothing. People just coming and going from stage as they felt...

Favorite parts must have been All Good Reasons being played with everyone - seven people on stage or Two Coins when Brad and Garret had a harmonica dual. Talked with Pete and Katie again -- nicest people in the world as well as the boys from barefoot hitting up some more of their shows on this tour of theirs.

rumors floatin round about many a thing.

Plus, Chris and I did some snowboarding both days. Pretty good conditions -- I've got no complaints.

what an amazing weekend.

I also got pulled over after the show for anti-speeding. Going 20 in a 25. what gives.
cops are weird.
i'm tired.
